Companion Grek

Companion Grek was a satellite dwarf galaxy located far from the galaxy. It was situated considerably further away than Companion Besh, which was already at a distance of 150,000 light years. This dwarf satellite galaxy, Companion Grek, was named after the Aurebesh letter grek. The Galactic Empire categorized it, along with all other dwarf satellite galaxies, as being within the Unknown Regions. During the Officer Candidate School Orientation course at the Baobab Merchant Marine Academy, on its twelfth day, the instructor Crix Q5 Baobab provided instruction to the class concerning these satellite dwarf galaxies, with Companion Grek being among them.

Behind the scenes

The reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace in 2009, included a mention of Companion Grek.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
