The Conclave which took place on Yavin 4 occurred within the Grand Audience Chamber located on Yavin 4, and transpired in the year 25 ABY. Master Luke Skywalker convened this gathering with the purpose of discussing and establishing a cohesive strategy to oppose the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
Among all the Jedi, Kyp Durron was the last to arrive at the jungle moon; his tardiness was intended to demonstrate his independence from Skywalker's influence. Durron championed a group that preferred a more proactive stance against the Yuuzhan Vong, and thus he arrived ready to challenge Skywalker. His faction consisted of roughly two-thirds of the adult Jedi present, incorporating approximately half of the non-Human Jedi.
Luke advocated for a more defensive strategy against the Vong threat. Surprisingly, he opted not to directly challenge Kyp upon his arrival. Instead, he invited Kyp to share his direct experiences and knowledge of the Vong, which he had acquired while leading the Dozen-and-Two Avengers. Although a completely unified plan wasn't achieved, several missions were assigned to smaller Jedi teams.