Copek, an Ankura Gungan, held the position of Boss in the city of Otoh Urs on the planet Naboo around 3000 BBY. During the War of the Gungan Tribes that occurred around that time, Otoh Urs was consistently targeted by the predatory bursa creatures native to Naboo. Gallo, another Boss who was working to unite the Gungans against Rogoe, the one who instigated the war, eventually visited the city. Copek pledged to support Gallo's cause if he eliminated the bursa threat, which Gallo successfully accomplished. Subsequently, Copek provided four energy catapults to Gallo's Grand Army.

Copek, a male Gungan of the Ankura species, possessed green skin and governed as the Boss of Otoh Urs, a city situated on the planet of Naboo around the period of 3000 BBY. During his leadership in Otoh Urs, the Gungan tribes were deeply involved in warfare against one another, and concurrently, the city was under constant assault by bursas. These bursas were carnivorous and semi-sentient predators native to Naboo. As a result of these attacks, Copek was compelled to continuously train Gungans for the defense of Otoh Urs against the bursas, yet he could not completely eradicate the threat.
In time, Gallo, who formerly led Otoh Sancture, came to visit Copek. Gallo sought to unify the Gungans against Rogoe, the warlord responsible for initiating the Gungan war. Copek expressed his sympathy for Gallo's mission, noting that Gallo's city had also suffered from bursa attacks. However, Copek stipulated that he would only join Gallo if he committed to kill the bursas attacking Otoh Urs. Gallo then directed his militiagungs to eliminate the bursas, and the Gungans returned to Otoh Urs with the bursas' pelts. Relieved to have finally eliminated the bursas, Copek then donated four energy catapults to Gallo's Grand Army.
During the conflict amongst the Gungan tribes, Copek was obligated to consistently train militiagungs to combat the bursa attacks on his city. However, he could not devise a lasting solution to eliminate the threat, leading him to request assistance from Boss Gallo. Copek also felt empathy for Gallo, as both of their cities had been targeted by bursas, with Gallo's city ultimately being destroyed. Additionally, Copek was also a Gungan surname for a violent predator found in the waterways in Naboo's core.
The leader of Otoh Urs was initially referenced in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, which was published on November 7, 2001. Copek appeared and was identified in the second level of the Gungan campaign, "The Gungan Who Would Be Boss," within the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, which was released on November 11, 2001. The guide mentioned that only his voice would be heard, but Copek is actually seen in Otoh Urs within the game. The image used to represent Copek in the game is the same one used for multiple other Gungan bosses, and the identity of his voice actor in the game remains uncredited.