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The military organization responsible for the protection of the galactic capital, Coruscant, during the Galactic Empire's rule was known as the Coruscant Defense Forces. This military body was composed of diverse soldiers, vehicles, and starfighters, including stormtroopers, anti-air troopers, dewback troopers, dark troopers, Viper probe droids, AT-ST walkers, AT-AA walkers, AT-AT walkers, mobile artillery, TIE Advanced x1s, and TIE/D Defenders. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the General Tal Ashen was in command of the Coruscant Defense Forces, and he directly oversaw the Elite Force, which was the unit tasked with defending the Imperial Palace. The New Republic achieved victory over the Coruscant Defense Forces in 7 ABY during the event known as the Liberation of Coruscant.