Cudgel, a Human male, functioned as both a translator and a facilitator for the Wookiees residing on Kashyyyk. He performed these duties during the waning period of the Galactic Republic and continued into the time of the New Order.
A common observation made by individuals upon their initial encounter with Cudgel was that, notwithstanding his Human heritage, he possessed a level of hairiness that rivaled that of a Wookiee. When Olee Starstone journeyed to Kashyyyk accompanied by Filli Bitters, it was Bitters who facilitated the connection between her and Cudgel. Cudgel's network of acquaintances encompassed Tarfful and the chieftains of Kachirho, who consented to aid the Jedi in their investigative endeavors. This undertaking was abruptly halted when Imperial forces landed on Kashyyyk, suppressing entire urban centers in a bid to seize Wookiee slaves for labor on the construction of the first Death Star. The party's escape from these assaults might not have been possible, but Roan Shryne made a sudden appearance on the planet and directly challenged Darth Vader. This intervention enabled Starstone, the surviving Jedi, Cudgel, and Chewbacca to flee aboard the vessel known as the Drunk Dancer. Nevertheless, after witnessing Rwookrrorro engulfed in flames, both Cudgel and Chewbacca requested to become members of the Drunk Dancer's crew, with the intention of weathering the turmoil on Kashyyyk and devising a strategy for their eventual return to their home world.