The "Cult of Varn," as it was known, emerged as a religious movement among the Kamarian Badlanders in the year 2 BBY. Kamar, a planet characterized by its arid, mountainous terrain, presented an even more challenging environment in its Badlands region. Consequently, the Badlanders held water in extremely high regard.
Upon their arrival on Kamar, Han Solo and Chewbacca briefly established a makeshift holotheater. Despite showcasing only a single, rather uninspiring documentary titled Varn, World of Water, their venture gained considerable popularity. Unaware that the Badlanders were developing a religious following centered around his theater, Solo casually replaced Varn, World of Water with Love is Waiting. This decision sparked a riot among the Kamarians, compelling Solo and Chewbacca to make a hasty escape aboard the Millennium Falcon.
Following Solo's departure, the Badlanders experienced a period of unrest. Conflicts escalated both between different Badlander factions and between the Badlanders and the more technologically advanced mountain-dwelling Kamarians. This situation took a turn when Sonniod, another smuggler and an associate of Solo, arrived on Kamar bearing a copy of Varn, World of Water and a new holoprojector. Sonniod resumed screenings of Varn, World of Water and enlisted local residents to serve as priests and caretakers of the holoprojector. Subsequently, violence among the Badlanders diminished, and Sonniod enjoyed a consistent supply of handicrafts and other goods from them in trade.
Within the Cult of Varn's belief system, Varn transformed into the idyllic afterlife where virtuous Badlanders would reside. Han Solo was reinterpreted as "Solohan the Deceiver," a divine messenger who succumbed to evil and was subsequently returned to the heavens as punishment for his sacrilege. Chewbacca was perceived as a menacing, furry demon. Sonniod was venerated as a benevolent prophet who disavowed his former association with Solohan—a particularly ironic twist, given that he was the one responsible for providing Solo with the replacement film in the first place.
Around the year 16 ABY, the Cult's influence began to extend beyond Kamar. In the years that followed, it spread to Mon Calamari, Bengat, and even Varn itself, where it generally caused annoyance among the native population. The Cult's presence in these locations persisted as late as 36 ABY.