Cunbus Locb was a Sullustan gambler, a swindler, and an art collector who navigated the cosmos aboard the Distant Wind, a Corellian XS-800 light freighter. To acquire the Chandrilan flatsculp "Stars and Moons," he outwitted Moff Ammar of the Portmoak sector.
During the Galactic Civil War, Cunbus Locb, a gambler, journeyed through the Parmel, Portmoak, and Quence sectors aboard his Corellian XS-800 light freighter, the Distant Wind. His talent for sabacc, frequently achieved through dishonest means, earned him both substantial wealth and numerous adversaries across his travels.
As an art enthusiast, Locb used his winnings to acquire sculptures and holopaintings. Furthermore, he invested in upgrading his ship, adding a new laser cannon and enhancing the shields and engines to achieve a speed of 1,000 km/h. Anticipating the need to secure certain items, he also incorporated four concealed compartments within the ship's common area.
Locb improved the Distant Wind's sensor array so it could patch into several credit-sized small devices he carried along with him. Locb would then strategically place the items in any gambling area he was at, and the sensor system would tell him about the cards other players were holding.
Around 1 BBY, Locb discovered that Moff Ammar from the Portmoak sector, a well-known art collector, possessed the Chandrilan flatsculp "Stars and Moons." Intensely desiring the artwork, Locb devised two distinct strategies to obtain it. His initial approach involved an elaborate con, culminating in Locb winning the piece in a game of sabacc. Should this scheme fail, Locb also created a counterfeit of the artwork and concealed it within one of his ship's custom-built compartments.
Locb's initial plan proved successful; through deception, he won "Stars and Moons" from Ammar during a high-stakes sabacc match. Locb promptly concealed the authentic piece in a separate smuggling compartment of the Desert Wind.
Shortly thereafter, Ammar realized that Locb had cheated and commanded his forces to apprehend the Sullustan. In the resulting conflict, Locb met his demise at the hands of Ammar's soldiers. His ship was subsequently seized, but the artwork remained undiscovered.