The flatsculp known as "Stars and Moons," originating from Chandrila, was once in the possession of Moff Ammar before Cunbus Locb absconded with it.
A celebrated Chandrilan artist crafted "Stars and Moons," establishing its reputation.
Around 1 BBY, the infamous art enthusiast Moff Ammar of the Portmoak sector owned "Stars and Moons." This information came to the attention of Cunbus Locb, a Sullustan gambler, who subsequently desired the artwork. Locb devised an intricate plan to deceive Ammar and acquire "Stars and Moons." As a contingency, Locb also created a counterfeit of "Stars and Moons," with the intention of substituting it for the real one; the duplicate was stashed within a secret area on his vessel, the Distant Wind.
Locb engaged Ammar in a game of sabacc, where he employed dishonest tactics to secure "Stars and Moons" in a high-stakes wager. Immediately after winning, Locb hid the genuine artwork in another concealed section of the Wind.
Upon discovering Locb's deceit, Ammar had him killed. Realizing that "Stars and Moons" was likely aboard the Distant Wind, Ammar commanded that the ship be seized and thoroughly inspected. However, neither the authentic piece nor the forgery was located. Ultimately, Ammar consigned the Wind to a public sale and announced a substantial bounty for the recovery of "Stars and Moons." Consequently, many art merchants in the region were aware that "Stars and Moons" was a pilfered flatsculp.