
Ammar held the position of Moff within the Galactic Empire, specifically overseeing the Portmoak sector throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.


During the Galactic Civil War, the Portmoak sector was under the control of Imperial Moff Ammar. Notably, he was an avid collector of unique art pieces, including a flatsculp titled "Stars and Moons" created by a Chandrilan artist. Around the year 1 BBY, this flatsculp became the possession of Cunbus Locb, a Sullustan gambler. Driven by his desire to own the artwork, Locb masterminded a complex con to win it, ultimately cheating in a high-stakes game of sabacc. Upon realizing the deception, Ammar initiated a search for Locb, who managed to escape. Locb met his end, and his starship, the XS-800 light freighter named Distant Wind, was seized. Despite Ammar's orders to search the ship for "Stars and Moons," it remained hidden within a skillfully concealed smuggling compartment. Eventually, Ammar ordered the ship to be sold at auction, while simultaneously offering a significant reward for the flatsculp's recovery. As the Galactic Civil War progressed, Ammar voiced his disapproval of Moff Abran Balfour's relaxed management style in the adjacent Parmic sector. Ammar also had a fondness for smoking cigarras. In 6 ABY, Ammar successfully bid on the lungs of shockboxer Lobar Aybock, in a transaction with Reussi Torel Vorne, who operated an organ-harvesting scheme on Reuss VIII. Vorne would manipulate shockboxing matches, specifically those against the Barabel Tull Raine, ensuring the loser was killed and their organs harvested under a contractual clause granting Vorne rights to the deceased's body. Ammar was present at the match between Raine and Aybock, held in the Dool Arena located in The Broken Tusk, where he sat at Vorne's private table, consuming Kubindi mudbug and Grada. The intervention of a New Republic Intelligence Service team, led by Colonel Bren Derlin, allowed Aybock to triumph over Tull Raine, exposing Vorne's illicit organ trade. As the fight concluded, Raine was thrown from the shockboxing ring, landing directly on Vorne's table. This caused Ammar to be knocked over, sputtering on his cigarra.

