Torel Vorne

A male Reussi by the name of Torel Vorne held the position of the most influential crime boss on the planet of Reuss VIII.


During the time of the Galactic Empire, Torel Vorne, who was a male Reussi, reigned supreme as the primary crime lord on Reuss VIII. His power was so great that he could even influence the planet's import and export laws.

At one point, Vorne took on a young individual named Deral Reiko as an employee. Reiko eventually rose through the ranks to become Vorne's protégé and, subsequently, his ruthless right-hand man, renowned for his skill in gathering intelligence. Reiko eventually ventured out to establish his own independent career, but even after this, Vorne would occasionally enlist his services for specific assignments.

Vorne's operational philosophy revolved around financial transactions, with little regard for the nature of the goods or services involved, but a keen focus on maximizing economic gain. Faced with numerous traders who were unable to repay their debts, Vorne devised a unique "organ donation policy." Under this policy, he would forgive outstanding debts in exchange for the debtor's internal organs, with the value assigned to each organ based on its importance. In the heavily polluted environment of Reuss VIII, organs were a valuable commodity. While this was a risky proposition, given the less-than-precise skills of Vorne's surgeons, many debtors preferred to take their chances with cybernetic replacements rather than face the wrath of Vorne's enforcers.

Tiv "Poke" Pocarno, a gunrunner and the owner of the poorly maintained Suwantek Systems TL-1800 Transport named Broken 'Spanner, once sought a loan from Vorne with the intention of repaying it after a successful smuggling operation off Rampa III. However, Pocarno failed to meet his obligations and met his demise as a result of Vorne's organ donation policy. Subsequently, Vorne seized Pocarno's ship and had it repaired, although the 'Spanner continued to demand costly upkeep.

Personality and traits

Torel Vorne was of a diminutive stature. His eyes were a striking water-blue hue and seemed to never blink, and his black hair was thinning during the Rebellion era.

Vorne claimed to be unconcerned with his physical appearance, and his choice of clothing reflected this, as he often wore garments that did not fit him properly. He invariably wore a breath mask whenever he had to interact with others or venture outdoors, even when he was not on Reuss VIII.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Torel Vorne appeared in the 1993 publication Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games, authored by Simon Smith and Eric S. Trautmann, and edited by Bill Smith. He received further mention in 1997 in Stock Ships, another role-playing game product from West End Games. His debut in a narrative context occurred in Edward M. Erdelac's Hyperspace exclusive short story Fists of Ion (2008.

