Curried nuna-roll, a food item, was prepared using nuna as its main component. During the bustling Solstice Tide celebrations circa 232 BBY, a stand offering curried-nuna rolls was established on Republic Avenue located on the planet of Coruscant. As Jedi Master Stellan Gios strolled through the busy avenue, he paused near a barrier close to the food stall, anticipating the initial descent of holo-snow and inhaling the stall's rich aromas; however, his moment was cut short by a disturbance in the Force that he detected, which was caused by the thief known as Nittel Karkson. After Gios pursued Karkson into the underlevels of Coruscant, the curried nuna-roll and roasted mickelnuts scents of the avenue gave way to the odors of engine oil and hopelessness.
The curried nuna-roll was featured in "A Coruscant Solstice," a brief narrative penned by Cavan Scott and included in the Life Day Treasury collection released in 2021.