Damon Krell

title: Damon Krell

In the Imperial Navy, Admiral Damon Krell, a Human male, commanded a Star Destroyer. This occurred not long after the Battle of Hoth. Krell supervised the creation of the enhanced Infiltrator probe droid in 3 ABY. His aim was to obliterate the Rebel fleet and gain the Emperor's acknowledgement. A critical malfunction during its mission caused the droid to destroy Krell's own ship.


Damon Krell, an officer within the Imperial Navy throughout the Galactic Civil War, was a Human male. By 3 ABY, he had ascended to the rank of Admiral and was in command of his own Star Destroyer. Following the Battle of Hoth, Krell directed the development of the Infiltrator probe droid. This droid was a larger, more advanced version of the standard Viper probe droid, equipped with improved weaponry, armor, and computer interface capabilities. The Infiltrator droid, a collaborative effort between Arakyd Industries and Imperial technicians, became the cornerstone of Krell's strategy. He intended to eliminate the entire Rebel fleet in a single strike, thus establishing himself as the war's hero.

Krell dispatched an Infiltrator droid, designated 13-K, to fulfill his ambitions. His plan involved the probe capturing a Rebel blockade runner, piloting the hijacked ship to the Rebel rendezvous point, and then self-destructing the vessel, inflicting significant damage. However, while 13-K successfully seized the ship, the unexpected arrival of Rebel hero Luke Skywalker complicated the situation. Skywalker's presence triggered 13-K's pre-existing programming, which dictated the capture of the Rebel and his delivery to the Emperor. Consequently, the droid reversed the ship's course, attempting to return to Krell's Star Destroyer. Nevertheless, Skywalker's sabotage, combined with a crucial malfunction in 13-K's logic capacitators, transformed the blockade runner into a volatile bomb, with its reactor set to explode. Despite Krell's desperate orders for his crew to target the approaching ship, the resulting explosion engulfed the Star Destroyer, killing all personnel on board.

Personality and traits

Admiral Damon Krell was driven by ambition and cunning, prioritizing glory and the Emperor's recognition above all else. This intense desire fueled Krell's schemes to become an Imperial hero, a goal he pursued methodically, aiming to minimize uncertainties and execute his plan efficiently. However, his excessive faith in his Infiltrator probe droid ultimately led to his demise, directly causing his death.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars (1977) 45, penned by Archie Goodwin and released in 1980, marked the initial appearance of Damon Krell. Carmine Infantino provided the illustrations for Krell during this debut.

