Dark Force Rising 1

Dark Force Rising 1, a comic book, marked the initial release in the Star Wars: Dark Force Rising comic series, which itself was adapted from the novel Dark Force Rising. Its publication date was May 1, 1997.

Publisher's Synopsis

The Empire teeters on the brink of collapse, possibly nearing its end. However, akin to a mortally wounded animal, it poses the greatest threat when it has nothing left to lose and strikes out desperately. The formidable warlord Grand Admiral Thrawn might have discovered the necessary firepower to inflict significant damage on the New Republic: Approximately two hundred Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers, vanished into hyperspace during the era of the Old Republic. Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca could be facing a challenge exceeding their expectations, though they have overcome unfavorable odds before!


Cover images

Collected Editions

Additional Information
