"Dark Lord's Fury" represents the eighth installment of the radio drama adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back. Its initial broadcast occurred on April 4, 1983, via National Public Radio. This episode dramatizes events from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back set within Cloud City, with a primary focus on the betrayal and subsequent capture of Han Solo alongside Princess Leia.
Lando has accommodated Leia and Han in lavish quarters within Cloud City. Leia's distrust of Lando lingers, and her suspicions appear justified when Chewbacca arrives, carrying the disassembled remains of See-Threepio. The droid has clearly been struck by blaster fire. Despite this, Han maintains a desire to trust his friend, and chooses not to inform Lando about the incident upon his arrival.
Lando extends an invitation for them to join him in a grand banquet hall. Upon entering, they are confronted by Darth Vader himself. Han's attempts to engage Vader in combat are easily thwarted by the dark lord. The arrival of a troop squad, accompanied by Boba Fett, forces the Rebels to surrender. Lando attempts to justify his actions, explaining that he surrendered Han in exchange for an assurance that Cloud City would remain free from Imperial interference. However, Vader immediately violates the terms of their agreement. He subjects Han to torture, intends to allow Fett to deliver him to Jabba the Hutt, orders Leia and Chewbacca to remain confined within the city indefinitely, and threatens to occupy the city with a garrison of stormtroopers. Sensing the collapse of their deal, Lando instructs Lobot to place the city's guard force on high alert.
Within a holding cell, Chewbacca dedicates himself to repairing See-Threepio. The droid regains consciousness and expresses anger upon realizing his head has been reattached backward. Han is then brought into the cell, and Threepio is able to inform him that he was shot by stormtroopers. Leia is brought in next, followed shortly by Lando. Lando clarifies that Vader's true target is Luke Skywalker, using them only as bait. He attempts to rationalize his actions, claiming that it was the only way to safeguard his people. Han attempts to strike him but is restrained by guards. After Lando departs, both Leia and Han voice their hope that Luke will still be able to assist them, even if he is walking into a trap.
A trooper informs Vader that Luke's X-wing snubfighter is approaching the planet. Vader orders that Luke be allowed to land without opposition. He reveals to Lando his plan to subject Skywalker to carbon freezing for delivery to the Emperor. Lando cautions that this process could prove fatal; Vader then decides to test the process on Captain Solo, representing yet another breach of their agreement. He instructs Lando to bring all the Rebels to witness Han's fate, including Threepio, despite his dismembered state. High above in Bespin's atmosphere, Luke instructs Artoo to prepare for combat.
Inside the carbon-freezing chamber, Chewbacca makes a futile attempt to fight back, but Han dissuades him. Leia professes her love for Han, to which he responds, "I know." Finally, Han is lowered into the machine to be encased in a block of carbonite.

A conversation that takes place between Lando and Lobot stands out as the only notable addition to the episode, which otherwise remains faithful to the events of the film The Empire Strikes Back. While Lobot had been depicted as mute in the film, the Star Wars comic had already established his capacity for speech. "Dark Lord's Fury" marked the first instance of his voice being heard, as he delivers two brief lines to Lando. Later Legends materials would elaborate that Lobot's cybernetic implant had impaired, but not destroyed, the speech centers of his brain, and also made him more inclined to communicate with computers rather than people.