Dark Mara

Dark Mara was a doppelgänger, brought into existence through the Force, that confronted Mara Jade on the world of Dromund Kaas around 10 ABY.


Upon arriving on the isolated world of Dromund Kaas, Mara Jade commenced a search to locate the missing Jedi Kyle Katarn. As she approached the remnants of a Sith Temple, she was ambushed by a peculiar apparition—an entity resembling herself but consumed by the dark side, clad in dark garments, and brandishing a crimson lightsaber. After a challenging confrontation, Jade was victorious. With the spirit defeated, a pathway leading deeper into the temple materialized.

Powers and abilities

Dark Mara, a fearsome adversary, demonstrated proficiency with a lightsaber, as well as considerable Force abilities, including the use of chain lightning. Notably, she also exhibited the capacity to employ Force blinding, a power typically associated with the light side.

Behind the scenes

While her name is not explicitly stated within the game, "Dark Mara" functions as both an enemy and a playable character in the multiplayer mode of Mysteries of the Sith. The title of this article is taken from the multiplayer character's name.

The duel was conceived to mirror Luke Skywalker's encounter with the Dark Spirit on Dagobah.

Even though Dark Mara remains silent throughout the game, her cries of pain when injured are identical to those of Mara Jade (voiced by Heidi Shannon).

Dark Mara also makes an appearance in the secret level of Mysteries of the Sith, where she engages in combat with Luke Skywalker on Cloud City.

