Force blinding

Force Blinding A stormtrooper is blinded by a Jedi. Blind, also known as Force blinding, was a Force power that the Sith categorized as part of the Offense group of abilities. This technique involved creating a surge of Force energy which overwhelmed the optic nerves of the target, resulting in temporary loss of sight.

A Jedi could use this potent light side ability to obscure the vision of an enemy, thereby making it challenging for that enemy to locate and attack the Jedi or others. However, a trained Force-sensitive could defend against this technique by employing Force sight, if they were prepared. Nevertheless, if a Jedi could successfully blind an opponent before they could utilize Force Sight, the blinding effect could still be effective. Despite being primarily a light side ability, both Yun, a Dark Jedi, and Dark Mara, a Force apparition, demonstrated the capacity to use it.

