Darth Tenebrous's personal starship

This particular vessel served as the individual starship belonging to Darth Tenebrous. The Sith Lord himself engineered the design of this craft.


Back in 67 BBY, Lord Tenebrous discovered a cortosis deposit situated on the world of Bal'demnic, and he journeyed there in person to examine it. He brought along his apprentice, a treddroid, along with an M-2 mining probe droid supplied by Subtext Mining. Unbeknownst to either Tenebrous or Plagueis, the droid had been intentionally compromised. The two Sith Lords touched down their vehicle inside a cavern located on the flank of a precipitous escarpment along the coast of the Northern Sea. The compromised M-2 located a pocket of gas, and ignoring the instructions of its Sith masters, the droid detonated the gas pocket, which caused the mine to cave in upon the ship. This situation presented Darth Plagueis with a chance to eliminate his master. He allowed pieces of wreckage from the explosion to fall on Tenebrous, resulting in his death.

