Darth Wredd's starship leaves Mala
Between the years of 138 and 139 ABY, the renegade Sith Lord Darth Wredd possessed a starship. This vessel was originally the property of his Sith master, whom Wredd betrayed and murdered in the Surd Nebula. This very starship was utilized by both Wredd and his master to down the shuttle of Imperial Knight Yalta Val, resulting in a crash landing on the planet Mala. Following the events of the Carreras Incident, Wredd made his escape from the Carreras system aboard his starship. Subsequently, he commenced an insurgency directed against the One Sith, eliminating several Sith spies. Later on, he fled Coruscant aboard his starship, accompanied by the Imperial Jao Assam, with the intention of inducting him as a Sith apprentice. Wredd employed this starship to journey to Mala alongside Jao, where he orchestrated a complex trap targeting both the Imperial Knights and the One Sith, culminating in the Battle of the Floating World.