Death duel

A death duel represented a fight to the death between two individuals. It served as a method for resolving conflicts and upholding the honor of the wronged party. This type of duel was an integral part of the cultural practices of the inhabitants residing on the planet known as Ammuud.

The death duel, as it was practiced by the Ammuud people, became a formalized tradition following their adoption of the Code of Ammuud, approximately a century before the Battle of Yavin. The Code's inception stemmed from their acknowledgment that prolonged warfare among the Ammuud clans posed a significant threat to the survival of their civilization. According to the Code's regulations, severe transgressions against family or clan members were to be addressed by the patriarch, who would challenge the offender to a death duel. Given that this system resulted in the death of a single individual, as opposed to the potential widespread casualties of protracted clan feuds, the Ammuud people considered it a step forward.

The execution of a death duel required the presence of a minimum of six individuals: the two combatants, their respective seconds, a medical professional, and a presiding judge. A combatant would forfeit their honor by either refusing to engage in combat with their opponent or if their opponent sustained injuries or was killed before the commencement of the death duel. A Mor, or clan leader, additionally risked violating their oath as the protector of their clan and forfeiting the support of their people if they violated these established principles.

While a combatant had the option to designate another person as their champion, they were prohibited from selecting someone from within their own clan. Both combatants were granted the freedom to choose their weapons, but the challenged party held the authority to determine whether the duel would be a face-off draw or a measured paceway.

In the year 2 ABY, Odumin, a Territorial Administrator within the Corporate Sector Authority, was actively working to dismantle a slavery operation that the House Glayyd had unknowingly become entangled in. In an effort to persuade the Mor, Ewwen Glayyd, to provide evidence related to his clan's involvement with the ring, Odumin strategically manipulated circumstances to place the Mor Glayyd in debt to Han Solo. The plan was that he would give Solo the evidence, who would then theoretically eventually provide the evidence to the CSA.

To achieve this objective, Odumin engaged the services of the notorious gunman Gallandro, tasking him with provoking the Mor Glayyd into issuing a challenge for a death duel. This was to be accomplished by assaulting the Mor's sister, Ido, thereby committing a grave offense against the clan. With his honor, as well as the honor of his clan, at stake, the Mor Glayyd had no recourse but to challenge Gallandro to a death duel in response to the serious insult, despite the high likelihood of being killed by the skilled gunman.

The duel experienced two postponements before Solo's arrival on Ammuud, at which point he volunteered to fight in the Mor's place. Gallandro completed his assigned task by convincing the Mor that he had no intention of facing Solo in a death duel. He apologized to the Mor and requested a pardon. After being granted permission to leave, Gallandro then attempted to recover the data that the Mor had subsequently given to Solo.

