Deerian's granddaughter

A Human Imperial general named Deerian's granddaughter was a female character. Her birth occurred in 17 BBY. During 0 ABY, Deerian went to a party given by Imperial Moff Glovstoak at his palace, and there he encountered the eighteen-year-old Emperor's Hand Mara Jade. At this social gathering, the general isolated Jade from Glovstoak's aide, Mink Bollis, because Deerian didn't want her to be alone with Bollis, who had invited the Emperor's Hand to have some alone time with him. The general then informed the Emperor's Hand that he wouldn't want his granddaughter, who was also eighteen, to be alone with Glovstoak's aide either.

Behind the scenes

Timothy Zahn mentioned Deerian's granddaughter in his 2007 novel, Allegiance.

