Defense Fleet attire was a specific style of clothing utilized by the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, which encompassed both the Chiss Defense Fleet and the Chiss Expansionary Fleet.
These uniforms featured shoulder insignias displaying the color associated with one of the Ruling Families. Chiss officers displayed their military rank via a set of two silver bars affixed to their collar, in addition to a military shoulder strap and an utility belt that secured a Chiss comlink. [Chiss warriors](/article/chiss_warrior-legends], however, did not wear the bars, though they still displayed a smaller shoulder patch designating their family. A holster for carrying a charric pistol could also be part of the uniform.
The Defense Fleet uniforms were colored in black, chosen because it combines all colors, symbolizing that the military's personnel were drawn from all Chiss families. Chiss Defense Fleet officers were required to demonstrate their worth in a manner similar to how the Ruling Families chose merit adoptives to be included within the Defense Hierarchy. Upon achieving a senior rank within the Defense Fleet, an officer would relinquish their family name and privileges, becoming fully integrated into the Hierarchy to ensure impartial service to all Chiss. At this point, senior officers adopted striking white uniforms. Like the uniforms of those outside the Hierarchy, these white uniforms included a belt holding a Chiss comlink.
In 27 BBY, Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whose core name was "Thrawn," of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet wore a Defense Fleet uniform. It was the same black as his warrior escort's, but featured a larger burgundy patch on his shoulder and elaborately crafted silver bars on his collar. The burgundy patch displayed a yellow crest. Wynssa Fel, the youngest daughter of Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles Fel, wore a scaled-down version of the CEDF's dress code during the Yuuzhan Vong War.
Despite the cover art for Outbound Flight incorrectly showing Mitth'raw'nuruodo with a black shoulder patch, the novel itself specifies that he wore a burgundy patch representing the Eighth Ruling Family, a detail later accurately depicted in The Essential Atlas.