Wynssa Fel

Wynssa Fel, whom her family called Wyn, was the younger of two daughters born to General Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles Fel. A spirited and enthusiastic girl, she also possessed a serious and military-oriented mindset. This characteristic was almost mandatory for someone raised among the disciplined Chiss people within the unforgiving Unknown Regions. Her upbringing took place first on Nirauan within the Empire of the Hand and later on Csilla, which serves as the capital for the Chiss Ascendancy.

In the year 28 ABY, while still a young teenager, Fel assisted Jacen Solo, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, Saba Sebatyne, along with Danni Quee in their research to find the location of Zonama Sekot. This occurred upon their arrival at the Expeditionary Library located on Csilla. During this research endeavor, she was abducted by the deceitful Chief Navigator Peita Aabe as part of a scheme targeting her father. However, Solo promptly rescued her, thwarting the plot and enabling her to ultimately help them discover Sekot's whereabouts. After these events, Fel continued her life in the Unknown Regions. By 35 ABY, she had become the sole surviving daughter of the Fel family, and one of only three Fel children still alive. Chak, Davin, and Cherith were dead, leaving only herself, Jagged, and Cem as the remaining living offspring.



Fel's parents, Soontir and Syal Antilles Fel.

Wynssa Fel's birth occurred in the Unknown Regions, and her parents were General Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles Fel. She was their second daughter. Soontir had previously been an Imperial fighter ace, while Syal was formerly an actress known by the stage name Wynssa Starflare, which is where Wynssa Fel received her given name. In 5 ABY, Soontir and Syal relocated to Nirauan within the Unknown Regions to serve Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo's Empire of the Hand. Their mission was to combat various threats to both galactic civilization and the Chiss Ascendancy, which was Thrawn's native society. Fel, who was raised on Nirauan, had four older siblings: brothers Chak, Davin, and [Jagged](/article/jagged_fel], and a sister named [Cherith](/article/cherith_fel]. Her brother, [Cem](/article/cem_fel], was the family's shadow child, raised in complete secrecy. This was done to safeguard the family lineage in the event of an attack by rivals, a common Chiss practice.

Her older siblings all pursued military careers, leaving Fel at home with Cem. Surrounded by militaristic Imperials and Chiss, Fel developed a military mindset herself, viewing the fight against threats to peace as an obligation. She received pilot training, presumably from her father, and enjoyed taking the family yacht Starflare out, although Cem often controlled the vessel. Early in her life, Fel experienced the loss of her siblings, with Davin passing away by 19 ABY and Cherith by 25 ABY. In 25 ABY, Jagged was sent back to the known regions of the galaxy to support the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Throughout all of this, Fel remained at home with her mother and Cem. By 28 ABY, the Empire of the Hand had dissolved as an entity, and the Fels had joined the Chiss Ascendancy. Fel and her family relocated to Csilla, the Chiss capital, and continued their lives there. Fel spent a significant amount of time in the Expeditionary Library, familiarizing herself with much of the information it contained.


In 28 ABY, Fel and her mother heard about an expedition from the known galaxy that had arrived at the Expeditionary Library. They went there and met Saba Sebatyne and Danni Quee, who were representatives of a Galactic Alliance mission seeking Zonama Sekot. They believed that Zonama Sekot could be crucial to winning the Yuuzhan Vong War. Fel's mother was briefly embarrassed by Fel's impudence in questioning Sebatyne and commenting on her species characteristics. However, Fel was then embarrassed by Syal's outburst against the mission. Syal feared that the Jedi actually wanted to push the Chiss into the Yuuzhan Vong War, risking Soontir's life just as Jagged's was being risked. Sebatyne clarified that this was not their mission, but also stated that conflict with the Yuuzhan Vong was inevitable. Fighting them together would improve everyone's chances. This was actually how Fel felt about the situation. Fel volunteered to stay and assist the party in their search for information, which Syal permitted her to do.

Jacen Solo joined her in the search for information, and she was somewhat captivated by him. She asked him numerous questions about his life and questioned his pacifistic philosophy. She was left alone with Solo and Commander Hess'irolia'nuruodo when the other members of the party left to move their ship. During their conversation, Fel mentioned Cem, a piece of information that eventually made its way back to the Chiss in 35 ABY, when Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker mentioned the name to Chiss Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano. However, Formbi was convinced that Fel was acting under her father's orders in leaking the information.

Fel's rescuer, Jacen Solo.

While she was in the library, her father's subordinate, Chief Navigator Peita Aabe, entered and ordered her to come with him on her father's orders. She obeyed, but grew increasingly suspicious and fearful that something was amiss. As they traveled through the corridors, she questioned why Aabe was taking her through the iceways instead of using an ice-barge. When they reached the iceway terminus, Fel demanded that Aabe contact her father to verify his orders. Aabe drew his weapon on her, prompting Solo and Irolia, who had also grown suspicious and followed them, to intervene. Solo disarmed Aabe and subdued him, and Fel took his blaster. Her father and the rest of the party had also been attacked by Soontir's political enemies, but that attack had been stopped as well. Fel was very impressed by Solo's rescue. They went back to the library, where Fel assisted in the search that located Zonama Sekot's likely location, sending the team off to find it.

Later life

With the conclusion of the war in 29 ABY, Fel was able to celebrate Jagged's return to Csilla. He initially served as a liaison with the Galactic Alliance and later became an officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. However, this joy was tempered by the loss of her brother Chak, the third Fel to die. In 36 ABY, the Fels suffered dishonor and a reduction in power due to the actions of the Jedi Lowbacca, which occurred after Jagged granted him parole as an officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. At the same time, Jagged himself was lost in a crash on Tenupe. Although Jagged was found two years later, he was exiled and forbidden from ever returning. It was not until 40 ABY, with the death of the Chiss enemy Alema Rar at Jagged's hands, that the family's honor was restored.

Personality and traits

Fel possessed an outgoing personality and spoke freely with others, expressing her thoughts without reservation. Despite her reputation for saying too much, at least one astute Chiss politician believed that she only revealed information that her clever father wanted to be known.

Full of energy but stifled on isolated Csilla, she longed for excitement and eagerly assisted the Galactic Alliance party when they arrived. She hoped to one day leave the Unknown Regions and see Coruscant and the wider galaxy, and she sought to learn as much as she could about it. Despite her youthful exuberance, she had a mature understanding of life's requirements and the nature of combat, accepting her duty to fight when necessary. She personally preferred to take the fight to the Yuuzhan Vong, viewing conflict with them as inevitable, even though Chiss society preferred to remain safely in the Unknown Regions.

Behind the scenes

While the novel The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin established that the Fels had five children, no information was revealed about Wynssa Fel until her appearances in The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee by Sean Williams and [Shane Dix](/article/shane_dix], which remains her only appearance to date. She is referred to only as "Wyn" in Refugee; it was not until a mention in The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion that her full name was given as "Wynssa." In Refugee, she is mistakenly identified once as "Wyn Antilles."

