Cem Fel

Cem Fel, a male Human, held the distinction of being among the offspring of General Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles Fel. He was raised initially on Nirauan, and subsequently on Csilla, as a shadow child, his existence concealed from everyone beyond the family. This secrecy persisted until 28 ABY, when his identity was inadvertently revealed to a visiting contingent of Galactic Alliance Jedi. This information eventually reached Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano of the Chiss in 35 ABY.


Fel's parents, Soontir and Syal Antilles Fel

Born to General Baron Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles Fel, who were prominent Imperials who aligned themselves with the Empire of the Hand in 5 ABY, was the male Human known as Cem Fel. His birth occurred on the planet of Csilla, and he spent his formative years on Nirauan. The fact that he existed was a closely guarded secret. He was designated a shadow child, which was a practice among the Chiss community where the Fels resided. His given name, Cem, itself had Chiss origins. As a shadow child, Cem's existence was deliberately kept out of the public eye, serving as a safeguard to ensure the continuation of the Fel lineage should the family face annihilation at the hands of their adversaries. His brothers, namely Chak, Davin, and Jagged, along with his sister, Cherith, all pursued careers within the Empire of the Hand's military forces. Sadly, with the exception of Jagged, they all lost their lives in battle relatively early in Cem's life. However, his sister Wynssa chose to remain at home with him. Despite his lack of public appearances, Cem received training as a pilot and frequently commandeered the family yacht, known as the Starflare, much to the annoyance of Wynssa, who was also eager to pilot.

Following the dissolution of the Empire of the Hand, the Fels transitioned their allegiance to the Chiss Ascendancy. Cem subsequently returned to Csilla, where he established a home with his family, maintaining his concealed existence. However, in 28 ABY, his existence was exposed to Jacen Solo, who was visiting, by Wynssa. It wasn't until 35 ABY that this information reached the Chiss, specifically when Solo's relatives, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, casually mentioned his name during a conversation with Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano of the Chiss. Chaf'orm'bintrano promptly recognized that Fel was a shadow child and pledged to keep his existence confidential. He also speculated that Wynssa's disclosure might have been part of a scheme orchestrated by Soontir.

In 36 ABY, the Fel family experienced a decline in their honor and influence due to the actions of the Jedi Lowbacca. These actions were taken after Jagged granted Lowbacca parole as an officer within the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. Simultaneously, Jagged himself was presumed lost in a crash on Tenupe. Although Jagged was eventually rescued two years later, he faced exile and was permanently barred from returning. It wasn't until 40 ABY, with the demise of the Chiss adversary Alema Rar at Jagged's hand, that the family's reputation was restored.

Behind the scenes

Cem Fel has only been referenced by other characters, initially in The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee and subsequently in Dark Nest I: The Joiner King; he has never been presented as a character directly.

The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin, which saw publication in 2000, in addition to The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey, which was published in 2002, established the existence of five Fel siblings—Jagged, his older brother Davin (deceased), his younger sister Cherith (also deceased), and two other unnamed children. Force Heretic II: Refugee, which was released in 2003, identified the remaining two as Cem and Wynssa. The names of all five children had been mentioned when Chak Fel made an appearance in Survivor's Quest in 2004. This information underwent a retconned in Dark Nest I: The Joiner King, which affirmed that Cem was a shadow child, unknown to anyone outside the immediate family. Consequently, all previous references to five Fel children were deemed misinformation and included Chak, Davin, Jagged, Cherith, and Wynssa. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was published in 2008, validated what had previously been expressed as characters' beliefs by explicitly identifying him as Cem Fel, a shadow child within the Fel family.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia further stated that Fel's birthplace was Csilla. Given that his family did not become affiliated with the Chiss Ascendancy and relocate to Csilla until shortly before he reached the age where he could pilot yachts, it can be inferred that Fel was born on that planet before his family took up residence there.

