Chief Navigator Peita Aabe was once an officer of the Imperial forces and stood out as one of the few Humans who served within the ranks of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. He was stationed in Ac'siel while working under Assistant Syndic Soontir Fel.
When Luke Skywalker first arrived on the planet Csilla, Peita Aabe was the one who escorted him, along with his allies, to a discussion with the Four Families. Even though Aabe's critical vote during the meeting did not approve the Skywalkers' request for passage through Chiss Territory without restrictions, he proposed an alternative, suggesting they be granted access to the Expeditionary Library on Csilla, which he believed would be an extremely helpful resource in their quest to find Zonama Sekot.
Aabe, in an effort to keep the Chiss Ascendancy from joining the Galactic Alliance, instructed Ganet to abduct and murder Soontir Fel's family, who were strong advocates for Csilla's integration into the Galactic Alliance. Jacen Solo and Commander Irolia foiled his scheme, resulting in his trial and imprisonment for treason.