During the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War, the construction facilities orbiting Dac initiated the creation of new vessels for the Alliance Fleet's utilization. To prevent the Alliance from deploying these ships, a formidable Imperial naval force, spearheaded by three Imperial Star Destroyers, with the Accuser among them, sought to obliterate the shipyards before the cruisers' completion.
The successful acquisition of plans for Mon Calamari Star Cruisers, facilitated by Han Solo, led to the commencement of cruiser production at the shipyards above Dac. Nevertheless, the Alliance received intelligence indicating a substantial Imperial fleet was gathering over Coruscant, with the intention of invading Mon Calamari. Allowing this invasion was deemed unacceptable.
A segment of the Alliance fleet was dispatched to reinforce five Mon Calamari Cruisers, including Admiral Ackbar's flagship, Home One, above Mon Calamari. Furthermore, Alliance Space Stations were strategically positioned along hyperspace routes to impede the enemy's advance.
The Alliance fleet successfully intercepted the Imperial force before it reached its intended target. Fierce combat ensued, resulting in casualties on both sides. However, the rebels held an advantage due to the presence of the space station, leading to the Imperials' disadvantage in the engagement.
The newly constructed rebel cruisers demonstrated their effectiveness by destroying the enemy flagships. In conjunction with rebel starfighters, the cruisers annihilated the Imperial Star Destroyers, leading to the swift collapse of the remaining Imperial fleet.
The destruction of the invading fleet enabled the rebels to significantly enhance the Alliance Fleet. Despite the hasty repairs made to the Accuser, the rebels had unequivocally demonstrated their capacity to destroy Imperial Star Destroyers.
However, Mon Mothma felt uneasy about the Galactic Empire's apparent lack of concern regarding the loss of such a substantial fleet. She suspected that the Empire possessed a plan to eradicate the Rebellion. Her suspicions were soon confirmed when the first Death Star attempted to obliterate Yavin 4.
This particular battle served as the eleventh mission within the Rebel campaign featured in the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War.