Deign Lian

Deign Lian functioned as an aspiring underling to Shedao Shai, a Yuuzhan Vong commander and warrior.


Although Domain Lian had a reputation for being merciless during combat, Deign Lian did not exhibit the cruelty typical of his clan. He frequently challenged Shai's directives, leading to frequent instances where Shai would humiliate and physically assault him. Unbeknownst to Shai, he was covertly receiving instructions from Warmaster Tsavong Lah, who was not yet present in the galaxy. Lian harbored ambitions of escalating to Shai's role should Shai prove unsuccessful. Following Corran Horn's slaying of Shai at the Battle of Ithor, Lian commanded the Yuuzhan Vong troops to release a biological agent upon Ithor, rendering the world incapable of supporting life. However, Lian's tenure as commander was short-lived. His demise occurred when the Legacy of Torment met its end.

