Delegation of 2000

The Delegation of 2000 comprised a group of senators, many of whom were affiliated with the Loyalist Committee. This assembly was responsible for drafting and submitting the Petition of 2000 to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in the waning days of the Clone Wars. The core concern of the delegation revolved around the Chancellor's continued employment of emergency powers, particularly the establishment of the Moff position, even as the Clone Wars approached their conclusion. A significant number of these senators harbored deep-seated fears regarding the future of democracy within the Galactic Republic.

Following the formation of the Galactic Empire, the newly established Imperial Intelligence initiated the arrest of at least sixty-three senators. While some experienced only temporary detainment, it served as a potential warning from the newly appointed Galactic Emperor.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Kashyyyk, approximately half of the Delegation of 2000 chose to rescind their signatures from the original petition. Nevertheless, a substantial portion of the group continued to harbor quiet opposition to Palpatine's rule. These individuals, spurred by the events of the Ghorman Massacre, ultimately coalesced to establish the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Known members

Bail Prestor Organa and Mon Mothma, two members of the Delegation of 2000

Behind the scenes

  • While Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241 and Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader both indicate Bail Organa's involvement in the Delegation, the Episode III novelization asserts that he was not a participant.
  • The narrative arc concerning the Delegation of 2000, though omitted from the final film, is present within the Revenge of the Sith DVD extras and the novelization.

