Des'sein was a male humanoid individual with short, thick fingers. Serving as a Senator within the Galactic Republic, Des'sein acted as the representative for a troubled planet situated far from the Core. He also held membership in the Republic Group, alongside fellow Senators Fang Zar and Largetto.
Throughout his life, Des'sein distinguished himself as one of the more vocal Senators within the Delegation of 2000, expressing strong opposition to the actions undertaken by Chancellor Palpatine leading up to the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, as a member of the Republic Group, Des'sein was the recipient of a package delivered by Captain Jadak. This package purportedly contained data of significant importance to the Republic Group's objectives. Following the Battle of Coruscant, Des'sein received information from Senator Fang Zar, indicating that Palpatine had been rescued from Separatist captivity and that martial law on Coruscant had been lifted. Despite this positive development and the report of Count Dooku's death, Des'sein maintained his conviction that the Republic Group's mission remained crucial. Consequently, Des'sein tasked Captain Jadak and his co-pilot Reeze with delivering the Stellar Envoy to Antarian Ranger Aren Folee in Salik City on Toprawa. He informed Jadak that the Stellar Envoy would be instrumental in locating a treasure that held the potential to restore the Republic's honor throughout the galaxy.
In contrast to many of his peers, Des'sein survived Palpatine's proclamation establishing the Galactic Empire and transitioned into the role of a business consultant. During this new chapter, Des'sein cultivated a strong friendship with Lestra Oxic. As a friend, Lestra assisted in the creation of Des'sein's will and was present at his daughter's wedding. When Des'sein was nearing death due to a congenital illness, Lestra journeyed to Coruscant to be by his side. It was on his deathbed that Des'sein confided in Lestra about the Republic Group, its hidden treasure, and the means by which to locate it.