Dewell Bronk, a male Kedorzhan, held the position of senator representing his people in the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. His defining characteristic was his strong inclination to assist others, a trait that the Galactic Empire, the Republic's subsequent government, exploited in their efforts to locate him. As the war neared its conclusion, Bronk joined numerous other senators in endorsing the Petition of 2000 as a member of the Delegation of 2000. This petition condemned the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's abuse of emergency powers and the establishment of the Moff office.
In 19 BBY, following the Clone Wars' end, Bronk attempted to flee Coruscant, the galactic capital planet, to avoid persecution faced by many Delegation members from the newly formed Galactic Empire. During his escape, he encountered Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was also fleeing with a young infant. Bronk didn't recognize Kenobi, yet the Jedi rescued Bronk from clone troopers attempting to apprehend him. Kenobi then enlightened the senator about the realities of exile, convincing him to return to Coruscant and falsely declare support for the Empire. This would allow the senator to aid others without the threat of persecution.
From 22 BBY to 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Dewell Bronk served as a senator within the Galactic Senate, which was the governing body of the Republic. In the Senate, Bronk represented the Kedorzhans, his species from the planet of Kedorzha in the Senex sector of the Mid Rim. As a senator, Bronk resided on Coruscant, the Republic's capital world, owning an apartment and protected by bodyguards. His helpful nature earned him the Good Neighbor of the Year award three times, presented by the Coruscant Benevolent Society.
By the time of the Clone Wars, Bronk had fathered seven children, but lost one during the conflict. His son, Tyloor Bronk, was killed in action fighting for the Republic, with his body unrecoverable from the battlefield. This loss, alongside other factors, prompted Senator Bronk to join the Delegation of 2000. All Delegation members signed the Petition of 2000, expressing dissatisfaction with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's actions during the war, especially the creation of the Moff office. The document was presented to the Chancellor shortly before the war's end in 19 BBY.
Following the Clone Wars' conclusion and the declaration of the New Order, which was the political structure of the newly established Galactic Empire, many Delegation of 2000 members were arrested, with some, including Senator Nee Alavar from the Kanz sector, even executed. Fearing persecution, many members retracted their signatures from the petition, but Bronk refused and fled Coruscant for safety. Leaving his bodyguards behind, the Kedorzhan boarded the Space Slug, a Tallaan Clipper transport heading off-world. He tried to remain unnoticed, but was appalled to witness Devaronians harassing and robbing an elderly Twi'lek woman.
Bronk attempted to intervene, but fear for his safety held him back. Surrendering hope, he was surprised when another passenger, a young Human with an infant child, warned the Devaronians to leave the woman alone. Expecting the man to be beaten, Bronk was shocked when the Devaronians left the woman, who then fled. Bronk then offered advice on caring for the infant to the young man, who was actually Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi fleeing Coruscant with Luke Skywalker, the newly-born son of Bronk's fellow senator and delegation member Padmé Amidala. Bronk pointed out the baby's hunger to Kenobi, a possibility the Jedi had overlooked.

Upon arriving at the destination, the pair needed to transfer to another ship to reach the Outer Rim Territories. On the way to Pad 560 for his next transport, Bronk encountered an Ortolan janitor being harassed by clone troopers. Bronk intervened, striking a trooper with his bag and demanding they leave the janitor alone. The troopers let the Ortolan escape but recognized the senator, who they were searching for, and attempted to arrest him. Bronk didn't resist, but as he prepared to be taken away, Kenobi attacked the troopers from behind, incapacitating them using the janitor's equipment to blind them and push them into a maintenance area.
The senator thanked the stranger, lamenting his future life of fear. Kenobi explained the troopers used Bronk's helpful nature to find him by harassing the Ortolan. The Jedi also suspected the Devaronians on the Space Slug were informants trying to expose Bronk. Kenobi suggested alternatives to a life on the run, and Bronk realized his best option was to return to Coruscant and feign support for the Empire to continue his work in the Senate. They parted ways, with the Jedi heading to the Outer Rim and Bronk returning.
Bronk, a male Kedorzhan, stood one meter tall with black eyes, brown fur, and a pudgy build. He had a broad nose that twitched when he was disdainful. Kedorzhans are nearly blind in bright light, seeing only blurry shapes, but Bronk refused to wear a visor, preferring to look others in the eye. He was known for his loud, commanding voice and, like his predecessors, defended those who couldn't defend themselves.
His helpfulness earned him the Good Neighbor of the Year award multiple times and led him to sign the Petition of 2000. Bronk felt Palpatine's actions hindered the war effort and arbitrarily cut aid to the weak, which he opposed. His son's death also influenced his decision to sign the Petition, despite his advisers' protests.
His small size made him doubt his influence outside the Senate, and fear prevented him from helping others after fleeing Coruscant, until he saw clone troopers attacking an innocent Ortolan. Bronk's helpful and trusting nature was exploited by the Empire to capture him, setting up situations where he would aid others. His parenting experience helped him assist Kenobi with Luke Skywalker, though Bronk regretted not spending more time with his children and was unsure of their whereabouts, except for Tyloor, during his escape.
Dewell Bronk debuted in "Incognito," a short story by author John Jackson Miller with illustrations by Chris Scalf, published in Star Wars Insider 143 on July 23, 2013.