
The Delorf were allegedly a sentient species originating from the Galactic Core; however, they might have been nothing more than a fabrication within the lore of Imperial Intelligence. They featured in a narrative that supposedly clarified the origin of the name for the Renik counterintelligence division.

The tale circulating among Imperial Intelligence personnel describes the Delorf as a herbivorous species with limited technological advancement. Their survival was attributed to a widespread talent for sensing and neutralizing hostile intentions in others, possibly a manifestation of a Force ability. Upon detecting a threat, Delorf "sensitives" would convene in a ritual called Renik, which aimed to eradicate the hostility from the individual, effectively "making him one of the Delorf in mind if not in body".

While not explicitly stated in the available Imperial records, this statement implies that the Renik was mainly directed at non-Delorf individuals. It further suggests that it facilitated the species' survival in the heavily industrialized and technologically advanced Core by indoctrinating interstellar travelers visiting their planet and compelling them to embrace the Delorf's collective mindset.

However, a report from the Imperial Security Bureau, found in The Imperial Sourcebook, rejects this account. It proposes that "Renik" was simply Admiral Kiner's name spelled backward, a play on words highlighting its role as a counter-intelligence organization. Consequently, the veracity of any information about the Delorf within Renik remains uncertain.

Nevertheless, the initial description of the Renik shares certain resemblances to the impact of the t'landa Til mating call on other species, a phenomenon known as the Exultation.

