Den Velmor, located on the planet Velmor, served as its primary metropolis. In the time frame of seventeen-years prior to the renowned Battle of Yavin, the royal residence was overseen by King Lorac and Queen Denira, who actively resisted the New Order established by Emperor Palpatine. The Imperial Army successfully invaded Velmor, seizing control of its capital by carrying out the assassination of both the reigning king and queen. Prince Denid made his escape from Velmor, leaving his younger sibling, Prince Anod (who was sympathetic to the Empire), to remain behind. Zelor, the royal regent, assumed power over Den Velmor, ensuring its continued function as an Imperial city for a considerable duration.
Subsequently, Three years following the Battle of Yavin, Prince Denid made his way back to Velmor, overthrowing both Zelor and Anod, and rightfully assumed his position as the new king of the planet. From that moment onward, Den Velmor transformed into a city dedicated to opposing the objectives of the Empire.