
Denira reigned as the queen of the world Velmor approximately two decades prior to the events of the Galactic Civil War. She held the position of wife to King Lorac and bore two sons, Prince Denid and Prince Anod.


Lorac's political stance was strongly against the Galactic Empire's oppressive rule, leading to an attack on the royal palace in Den Velmor by a crowd of pro-Empire citizens, resulting in the assassination of both the king and queen. Subsequently, Zelor, acting as regent, assumed power over the throne. Prince Denid, the elder son, was eventually compelled to escape Velmor along with his wife, Lady Loren. In contrast, Prince Anod, the younger son, stayed on Velmor – a mere pawn of the Empire, biding his time until he reached the age to ascend to the throne as the legitimate sovereign of Velmor.

