Descent (comic story)

"Descent" originates from the pages of Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4.

Storyline Synopsis

Not long after the implementation of Order 66, Triton Squad received revised directives: eliminate the Wookiees. As the clone troopers neared a collection of Wookiee elders and younglings, they encountered an unexpected resistance when Tarfful and Chewbacca, accompanied by a band of fighters, descended upon them. A fierce battle ensued, culminating in the Wookiee team retreating into the depths of the Shadowlands on Kashyyyk, with Triton Squad in pursuit. The Wookiees strategically deployed a series of traps using the native plants and animals, effectively reducing the squad's numbers until only a handful remained, who were then swiftly eliminated in a surprise attack. Following the devastating encounter, Chewbacca and Tarfful commented that this was just one of many conflicts yet to come.
