The clash known as the Annihilation of the Nespis VIII spaceport unfolded between the New Republic's leading officers, who were based at the spaceport of Nespis VIII, and a pair of projectiles launched from the superweapon known as the Galaxy Gun.
Not long after the destruction of the troopship Pelagia, the Emperor Palpatine was informed of the New Republic high command's location, due to a spy disguised as a Republic technician.
He gave the order to obliterate the city immediately, intending to bring a swift end to the Galactic Civil War, by firing a missile at it from the Galaxy Gun.
R2-D2 and C-3PO, who overheard the spy's transmissions, successfully alerted the base's leaders to the Emperor's scheme, resulting in an immediate evacuation order.
While the New Republic forces were occupied with loading their supplies and soldiers onto their transports, a missile dropped out of hyperspace. The base's Kuat V-200 ion cannon defensive structures were prepared for its arrival and tried to obliterate it. Despite the guns reaching extremely high temperatures, they were unable to penetrate its shields, and the missile crashed through the city's structure, entering a hangar and being stopped by the side of a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser to the surprise of all, without exploding.
Technicians examined the missile and discovered it was a dud, the failure being attributed to faulty timers originating from Bonadan.

After witnessing the malfunction via probe droid cameras, Palpatine angrily demanded that another missile be armed immediately. Under threat of execution, the Galaxy Gun technicians worked feverishly, testing and launching a second missile, which successfully destroyed the ancient space city. However, it was too late, as the Republic fleet had managed to escape the area before the impact.
Palpatine threatened Umak Leth with death if he failed to fix the Galaxy Gun's design flaws within three days. Consumed by rage, Palpatine experienced intense pain due to the weakness and flaws of his clone body. He then embarked on a journey aboard the Eclipse II to the distant world of Korriban, seeking a method to extend his life.
The Republic high command made the decision to scatter its fleet, reducing the risk of being targeted by the Galaxy Gun. A single Mon Calamari Star Cruiser would serve as the primary communications hub for the various fleet units.
Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo were compelled to seek refuge with their children on Onderon, to safeguard the future of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker and Kam Solusar traveled to Ossus to speak with Chief Okko and inform him of Jem's passing before deciding on their next course of action.