Dibrook, located in the Albarrio sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was a planet considered unlivable. See more about [planets](planet url).
The New Republic's Dibrook Space Station was in orbit around the planet by 25 ABY, for more information see the [New Republic](new_republic-legends url). During the Yuuzhan Vong War, or perhaps before, the Yuuzhan Vong built a base on the planet and kept a Yammosk beneath the surface. [Nagme](nagme url), a Shaper, was the commander of this base.
After the [Battle of Dibrook](battle_of_dibrook url) occurred in 25 ABY, the Heart of Artorias touched down on the planet to [look for refugees](rescue_mission_to_dibrook url) captured by the Yuuzhan Vong in the conflict.