Din supernova

The cataclysmic destruction of the star Din, an event known as the Din supernova, occurred in the Zuma sector of the Outer Rim Territories. This stellar [explosion](/article/supernova/legends] took place around 5000 BBY. Any inner planets that may have been orbiting Din were completely vaporized by the supernova. Furthermore, the intense heat boiled away the substantial atmospheres of the three outer gas giants, leaving behind their exposed cores, one of which transformed into a diamond of terrestrial size due to the immense pressure within the planet's atmosphere.

As a result of the supernova, the energetic Din Pulsar and the surrounding Din Nebula, composed of red gases, were formed. According to a theory held by the Ayrou species from the Maya Kovel system, the deadly radiation emitted by the Din supernova eventually reached the Sanyassa system. There, it impacted Sanyassa IV, the homeworld of the sentient Sanyassans. This event became encoded within the DNA of the Sanyassans, rendering them particularly vulnerable to the subsequent [genetic](/article/gene/legends] devastation. The Sanyassans then immortalized the supernova in their artistic expressions and songs.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of the Din supernova appeared in "Endor and the Moddell Sector," an article featured in the ninth issue of Star Wars Gamer magazine, released on February 22, 2002.


Notes and references
