Directive One-Oh-Three

Directive One-Oh-Three was a mandate that, when no other directives were in place, gave instructions to all officers within the Galactic Empire's fleet; it commanded them to take a specific action. In the year 0 ABY, Lord Odo of the Imperial Court, who was secretly the alien Warlord Nuso Esva, instructed Captain Voss Parck of the _Imperial I_-class Star Destroyer Admonitor to proceed without delay to the Poln system in the Candoras sector. Parck, however, declined to comply, leading Captain Calo Drusan of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera to threaten him with the enforcement of the directive. Despite Parck's claim that the Admonitor was not part of the Imperial fleet, the Empire confirmed Odo's order with the Admonitor, compelling Parck to journey to the Poln system. Parck found the wording of Directive One-Oh-Three to be ambiguous.

Behind the scenes

Timothy Zahn referenced Directive One-Oh-Three in his novel Choices of One, published in 2011.

