Calo Drusan

Calo Drusan, a captain within the Galactic Empire's navy, served during the Galactic Civil War against the Rebellion. In the year 0 ABY, he held command of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Chimaera. Driven by a desire for a significant triumph over the Rebellion and subsequent elevation to the admiral rank, Drusan permitted Lord Odo—ostensibly a member of the Imperial Court, but actually the Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva—to board the Chimaera. Drusan's intention was for Esva's assistance to secure a victory against the Rebels, thereby earning the captain the promotion he sought. To his senior officers, including Commander Gilad Pellaeon, the third bridge officer, Drusan asserted that "Odo" had been dispatched to the Chimaera by Emperor Palpatine. He actively discouraged his crew from attempting to verify the Imperial lord's identity, aiming to conceal the warlord's true nature.

While in command of the Star Destroyer, Drusan, together with Odo, participated in a battle within the Unknown Regions. This engagement led to the retreat of one of Esva's attack squadrons and the arrival of the Chimaera and Imperial Task Force Admonitor in the Poln system of the Outer Rim Territories'. It was there that Esva executed his plan, sabotaging Drusan's warship and rendering the captain incapacitated. In his dying breath, Drusan revealed his treachery to Pellaeon.


An Alliance for Personal Gain

Calo Drusan, a male captain in service to the Galactic Empire, held command of the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer named Chimaera during the Galactic Civil War against the Rebellion. During 0 ABY, Drusan formed an alliance with Nuso Esva, the Storm-hair Warlord. Esva pledged to aid the captain in achieving a promotion to admiral by helping him secure a decisive victory against the Rebels. Such a triumph, he suggested, would prompt the Empire to elevate Drusan to his desired rank. The captain acted as if Emperor Palpatine had vouched for Esva—who was masquerading as a fictional Lord Odo from the Imperial court—while in reality, Drusan had vouched for him himself.

The Arrival of Nuso Esva

The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera, which Captain Calo Drusan commanded.

While the captain of the Chimaera voiced disapproval of the Imperial High Command's decision to assign the Star Destroyer to passenger transport duties, Esva's Kazellis-class light freighter, the Salaban's Hope, emerged from hyperspace. Commander Gilad Pellaeon, the Third bridge officer, pointed out the significant speed of the light freighter and advised Drusan to initiate a combat alert. After six starships associated with Esva's realm materialized, the captain followed the advice and charged the Chimaera's turbolasers. Via comm, Esva instructed his ally to redirect all power to the tractor beams and draw the last two attackers toward the Chimaera, allowing the Salaban's Hope to eliminate them while the Star Destroyer handled the remaining threats.

Subsequently, the Salaban's Hope docked with Drusan's vessel, and the captain instructed Pellaeon to welcome their guests, citing his own preoccupation. Following Esva and his pilot, Sorro, receiving their accommodations and being greeted by Pellaeon, Drusan announced to all senior bridge officers—including his executive officer, Senior Commander Grondarle—that the warlord held absolute authority over the Chimaera as part of a special assignment. Esva then directed the Chimaera to the Wroona system, where he was to acquire certain specialized equipment on the planet Wroona. After the acquisition of the material, Drusan delayed their departure from Wroona, wanting to ensure the completion of Esva's task. Upon its completion, the warlord instructed him to immediately contact the helm, advising Drusan to adhere to his every instruction. Shortly thereafter, Pellaeon assisted Esva in relocating to new quarters situated closer to the Chimaera's bridge, where Drusan awaited their arrival. Upon their arrival, the captain dismissed the commander.

After deducing that Esva might be a member of the Arkanian species due to his quotation of an Arkanian legend, the Song of Salaban, Pellaeon shared his findings with his captain. Drusan was impressed by the other's findings, and confirmed the commander's suspicions: Esva was an Arkanian and the order to carry him around had come from the Outer Rim, specifically from the Imperial Star Destroyer Predominant. The captain asserted that the order originated from Palpatine himself and revealed that the warlord had been assigned to the Chimaera to investigate a potential alliance between the Rebellion and Esva himself. Instructing Pellaeon to keep this information confidential, Drusan dismissed him once more. Shortly after, the Chimaera briefly visited the Poln system before heading into the Unknown Regions. Drusan then told Pellaeon of what they would be doing in the Unknown Regions: hunting down one of Esva's attack squadrons alongside Imperial Task Force Admonitor.

Teptixii and the Assassination of Calo Drusan

Commander Gilad Pellaeon (pictured; right) confronted Drusan in his dying moments.

Upon reaching Teptixii, Drusan deemed Task Force Admonitor's formation imprudent and sought to rectify it. Concerned that Captain Voss Parck of the Admonitor was jeopardizing his task force's two Strike-class medium cruisers and four Carrack-class light cruisers, the Chimaera's commander advised the other captain to withdraw his cruisers. However, Esva opposed this, arguing to Drusan that positioning the cruisers ahead of the Admonitor shielded the Star Destroyer from the firepower of Esva's primary vessels, the Firekiln warships, which possessed considerable firepower. The warlord further explained that by using the other ships to shield the Admonitor, Parck could lower his flagship's shields long enough to destroy one of the Storm-hair's other vessels. Drusan then instructed his crew to maneuver the Chimaera to flank Esva's attack squadron, but Esva countered that the Star Destroyer would not be doing that. Instead, under the warlord's command, it angled thirty degrees to port to divide the Firekilns' screening ships, causing them to retreat into hyperspace. Esva, aiming to lure Parck's superior, Senior Captain Thrawn, to the Poln system, directed the captain to proceed there. As Parck refused, Drusan threatened to invoke Directive One-Oh-Three before a transmission reached both the Chimaera and the Admonitor. The message instructed both warships to travel to Poln to respond to an insurrection, prompting Drusan to send his ship there.

Upon their arrival, Drusan informed Pellaeon that a DeepWater-class light freighter, the Lost Reef, had been trailing the Chimaera since their departure from Poln prior to the Teptixii engagement. The captain stated that Esva believed it was one of his agents or the warlord himself, and ordered Pellaeon to find the Storm-hair, as he was expected to have joined the captain by that time. However, the commander had no opportunity to inform his captain, as Esva sabotaged the Chimaera and incapacitated Drusan himself. As the captain lay dying, Pellaeon confronted him and learned the reasons behind Drusan's endorsement of the warlord. Drusan's hoped-for victory over the Rebellion never materialized, as Esva's Eastern Fleet was shattered shortly after the captain's death by Imperial and Rebel forces. Eventually, Admiral Horst Strage assumed command of the Chimaera.

Personality and traits

Captain Calo Drusan was an impatient male who was willing to deceive his officers and crew in order to secure a promotion.

Behind the scenes

Calo Drusan made an appearance in Timothy Zahn's 2011 novel, Choices of One.

