
Divv, a male criminal, had come into possession of intelligence concerning Jabba the Hutt's spy ring operating on Lianna. He made arrangements to peddle this information to Yin Vocta, an Anomid and a rival of Jabba. The exact nature of Divv's connection to Jabba's organization remained unclear, but he was aware that one of Jabba's food tasters had recently been poisoned. A remark made by Yin Vocta suggested that Yin was behind the attempted poisoning.

Despite Divv's anxiety during their meeting, Yin greeted him with impeccable politeness. Following the exchange of the datacard containing the names, Yin promptly instructed his two protectors, the cybernetic assassin Haelon Tice and the enigmatic Gand findsman R'Kayza, to eliminate all individuals listed. Divv expressed surprise at the swiftness of the kill order, to which Yin responded with a lighthearted jest.

Behind the scenes

Paul Danner and Bill Smith conceived Divv for the short story titled Valuable Commodities, featured in Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy. This supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game was released by West End Games in 1997.


  • Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy (First mentioned)

Notes and references
