Dooku regency conclave

During the time of the Imperial Era, specifically in the year 3 BBY, the different noble families of Serenno convened a conclave. The purpose was to select a regent who would govern in place of Bron Dooku until he reached adulthood. Agent Jahan Cross from the Imperial Intelligence was invited to these typically private discussions as an official representative of the Empire. Although his mission was to guarantee the selection of Count Rodas Borgin as regent, Cross decided to safeguard the child of the very man he had assassinated. Davim Cross, Jahan's father, served as the primary negotiator at these meetings and doubted Jahan's claims of innocence in the death of Count Dooku.

The subsequent series of meetings were conducted on the Dooku airship known as the Windrunner. While the negotiations were underway, the airship suffered an attack from a pirate airship named the Bloodskull. These pirates, led by Vex and hired by Rodas Borgin, sought to abduct Bron Dooku.

