The Dorumaan leviathan existed as a marine mammal inhabiting Dorumaa, which is the sole moon orbiting Almas, a celestial body that was once a planet in the distant past.
Dr. A. Rahring's findings revealed resemblances between the leviathan and the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. This led some to speculate that leviathans might have been brought to Mon Calamari in ancient times before vanishing from that world. Near the end of the Old Republic era, the leviathan population had dwindled to near extinction. In recent years, two juvenile leviathans were born, but their mother vanished under mysterious circumstances. While some feared these offspring were the last of their kind, others posited that the mother might be in a state of suspended animation, frozen or hibernating beneath Dorumaa's surface. The peculiarities of the leviathan's existence were showcased in the holodocumentary A Galaxy Befuddled, created by xenobiologist Rahring and his research group. Shortly thereafter, one of the young leviathans vanished. Suspicion fell on smuggler Rufus Trammel, believed to have abducted it with the intent of selling it to a devotee of Rahring.