
Dov, a clone commando of the Republic's Grand Army, was born and raised on the planet Kamino around 32 BBY. Being a clone derived from the Human bounty hunter Jango Fett, the young Dov tragically died in training prior to 21 BBY. Kal Skirata, his Mandalorian training sergeant, felt responsible for the commando's demise, hoping himself that the commando's soul would join manda, the collective Mandalorian spirit after death. During the Clone Wars, the war between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Skirata chose to christen a DeepWater-class freighter he acquired with the name Aay'han, which is a Mando'a term describing a specific mental condition, as a tribute to Dov's memory.

Behind the scenes

Karen Traviss's 2007 novel, Republic Commando: True Colors, makes mention of Dov.

