The Aay'han, a DeepWater-class light freighter, found frequent use as a recreational vehicle. In the year 21 BBY, Kal Skirata acquired the vessel from a Rodian on Agamar, specifically in Calna Muun. The transaction cost him 80,000 credits, and it was a second-hand purchase. His motivation stemmed from needing a submersible craft to aid in his search for the Kaminoan scientist Ko Sai, as he suspected she was in hiding on an aquatic world covered with water.
Ordo Skirata, the adopted son of Kal Skirata, proposed the name Aay'han. This term originates from Mando'a and signifies a mental state of serene perfection, characterized by the presence of cherished friends and family, yet simultaneously burdened by the painful absence of deceased loved ones. Skirata adopted this name to honor Dov, a clone who perished during training, as well as Skirata's own adoptive father, Munin.
An opportunity to evaluate the ship soon presented itself. Shortly after its acquisition, they journeyed to Mygeeto aboard the Aay'han to rescue Walon Vau. Vau had fallen through Mygeeto's icy surface and become trapped in a crevasse while attempting to rob a bank.
Following Vau's extraction, the Aay'han was piloted to Bogg V within the Bogden system. There, it underwent modifications, receiving military-grade sensors and weaponry. It was also the location of a rendezvous with Mereel and General Bardan Jusik, who informed Skirata of a sighting of Ko Sai on Vaynai and the deployment of Delta Squad in pursuit.
Acting on Jusik's intelligence, they located her on Dorumaa. Skirata, Vau, and Mereel then traveled there aboard the Aa'yhan. Using the guise of a fishing expedition, they employed the ship to conduct underwater searches near the Tropix Island Resort, ultimately pinpointing a potential location for Ko Sai's hideout. Returning to Tropix Island to strategize their assault, they acquired a Wavechaser, which Skirata humorously dubbed Gi'ka, for use as a smaller vessel operating from the Aay'han. Soon after, Skirata and Mereel successfully located and apprehended Ko Sai, transporting her back to the Aay'han for conveyance to Mandalore.
Before the implementation of Order 66, the Aay'han was stationed within the underground reservoir of the Galactic City Utilities Department, held in reserve for a planned "strategic disappearance" to Mandalore involving all members of Clan Skirata. The vessel's secure mooring was arranged through favors owed to Jaller Obrim, ensuring its concealment.
Following the demise of Etain Tur-Mukan, the Aay'han was relocated to Kyrimorut and placed in storage within a concealed hangar situated north of the residence.