Drang, paired with Sturm, served as one of two cherished vornskrs owned by Talon Karrde.
Karrde discovered Drang ensnared within a perimeter trap at his base located on Myrkr. Already aware, through his experience with Sturm, that removing a vornskr's venomous tail would temper its aggression, Karrde subdued Drang with a tranquilizer and docked its tail. Upon Drang's recovery, Karrde found the training process to be straightforward. Karrde transported both Drang and Sturm to Mount Tantiss, with the expectation that they could locate Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker by utilizing their unique Force-sensitive hunting abilities.
The name, together with Sturm, alluded to Sturm und Drang, an 18th-century German literary movement that highlighted the individual's conflicts with society; Timothy Zahn believed this theme would resonate with Karrde, given his educated nature and fondness for puns.