
Drazin was a corporal in the stormtrooper corps of the Imperial military. During the Occupation of Bespin, he was assigned to Gamma Squad. Later, he served as a member of Commander Igar's honor guard on the moon of Endor.


C-3PO gets blasted by Drazin.

Drazin's birthplace was Cloud City, which floats above the gas giant Bespin. At some point in his life, he made the decision to join the Stormtrooper Corps within the Galactic Empire, eventually rising to the rank of corporal.

As a member of Gamma Squad, he went with Darth Vader to Cloud City in 3 ABY. Their mission was to capture Luke Skywalker during the Occupation of Bespin. While there, he and some other troopers were tasked with assisting the Ugnaught engineers of the city in preparing the carbon-freezing chamber. An Imperial protocol droid, named E-3PO, was used as a translator for them. He and another trooper were sitting and jokingly called E-3PO "E-Gregious" because of the droid's attitude. Offended, the droid exited the room, which drew the attention of C-3PO, Luke's protocol droid, who happened to be in the area. C-3PO entered the room out of curiosity, but was immediately confronted by Drazin, who pointed his weapon at him and demanded to know who he was. The droid attempted to apologize, but Drazin stood up and shot him to prevent the Empire's operation from being exposed.

In 4 ABY, Drazin became a member of Commander Igar's personal guard, and consequently, Tempest Force. Tempest Force was an elite group composed of units from the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, and Stormtrooper Corps. Their duty was to guard the second Death Star's shield generator bunker on the forest moon of Endor.

Behind the scenes

In the non-canon comic book series Star Wars: Tag & Bink, Drazin's appearance in The Empire Strikes Back in the back room is reimagined. Instead, Tag and Bink are hiding and are discovered by the droid. They shot C-3PO to get revenge for him causing their capture on the Tantive IV years before.

