Droideka Mark II

The droideka Mark II represented an advancement over the original droideka. It was engineered by the Confederacy of Independent Systems and later saw use by the Zann Consortium during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


A Mark II with its shield activated.

Similar to its earlier version, the Mark II was most susceptible to damage while in motion; however, once stationary, it functioned almost like a fixed weapon emplacement. A key difference between this droideka version and older models was both its physical design and operational versatility, as it could alternate between firing blaster cannons and ion cannons, enabling it to engage both enemy troops and vehicles. As with the initial droideka design, it employed a shield that provided a protective barrier when deployed.

These units excelled at neutralizing enemy artillery. They could patiently remain outside of the artillery's effective range, then quickly advance into the guns' firing arc to dismantle the lightly armored vehicles. Furthermore, they could utilize ion weaponry to disable shields and overwhelm infantry units with rapid blaster fire. However, they were less effective against PLEX troopers and extremely vulnerable while rolling.


A Mark II in battle.

Baktoid Combat Automata engineered the Droideka Mark II at their manufacturing facilities situated on Hypori during the Clone Wars. However, the droids' development concluded too late for them to have a significant impact on the war. Later, during the Galactic Civil War, the Zann Consortium came across some of these droids within a factory on Hypori, a facility that had attracted the attention of Jabba the Hutt. Tyber Zann, who headed the Consortium, amassed an invasion force after Urai Fen scouted ahead and personally landed near the factory. Zann and Fen soon encountered droideka Mark IIs, which immediately opened fire. Urai was able to reach the console and switch the droid production to manual, deactivating the droids.

Subsequently, the Hutt Cartel dispatched Bossk along with a contingent of soldiers to confront them, initiating the Ground Battle on Hypori between the Consortium and Cartel forces. Urai succeeded in reconfiguring the factories to produce droids for the Consortium, and the droideka Mark II became a valuable asset for the Consortium in their fight against the Cartel on Hypori and in spreading their influence across other planets.

