Urai Fen, a Talortai male and Force-sensitive individual, held the rank of lieutenant within the Zann Consortium. He functioned as the steadfast bodyguard to Tyber Zann, the crime lord leading the organization.

As a member of the enigmatic avian Talortai species, Fen was integral to Zann's rise to power and had experienced the events of a Sith Wars. He was the only individual whom Zann entrusted with the handling of a Sith holocron that had been pilfered from Jabba the Hutt, immediately before Zann's capture. Concerned about the Consortium's continued existence, Fen made contact with undisclosed allies situated on Kamino. These allies agreed to provide sanctuary for the remaining members of the Consortium. Consequently, Fen relocated his forces from Ryloth before launching an assault on Imperial forces stationed on Kamino. After achieving victory, he maintained a low profile until Zann's return.
During this period, Urai made the discovery that the Sith holocron originated from the era of the Sith Wars, making it over 4,000 years old. He determined that it functioned as a data storage medium, but also suspected it served an additional, unidentified purpose. Subsequently, Urai convinced Han Solo and Chewbacca to journey to Kessel with the intention of rescuing Tyber Zann. After eliminating a bounty hunter, Urai and Tyber instigated a prison riot, utilizing the ensuing chaos as a diversion to reach the Millennium Falcon. Urai Fen also participated in the mission to intimidate the Noghri on their homeworld of Honoghr. He later was involved in the intimidation of Governor Koong Eeth and the Battle of Saleucami, in addition to scouting the destroyer droid factory that Jabba the Hutt had located on Hypori.
Urai accompanied Zann on his mission to locate a [Force](/article/the_force-legends] user on Dathomir who possessed the ability to unlock the Sith artifact. Exhibiting constant suspicion towards the Nightsister Silri they encountered, Urai repeatedly inquired about the possibility of eliminating her, driven by his concern that she might pose a threat to Tyber. He also assisted in other Consortium operations, including the theft of tibanna gas from Bespin for Prince Xizor, the raid on Emperor Palpatine's vaults on Coruscant, and the search of the Eclipse for information pertaining to the Emperor's other vaults scattered throughout the galaxy. Soon after, the Consortium abandoned the Eclipse, because they felt it was too big of a target for the newly formed New Republic.

Urai was a proud and ancient warrior who strongly preferred to kill enemies and did not see any value in mercy, but he also had a strong sense of morality. He once suggested that the Zann Consortium should join forces with the Rebel Alliance, as he thought they could be a strong ally against the Empire. While this was partially due to practical reasons, Fen was also driven by a persistent sense of honor on the battlefield. He believed that combat was a way to show someone's personal strength, and he did not respect those who could not challenge him.
He favored melee combat and the use of his unique heavy blades over blasters. These blades were more powerful and sharper than most others and could destroy vehicles and infantry. In battle, he and Zann used personal cloaking devices. He also had a special sonic device that could stun others, or, because he was Force-sensitive, he might have been able to stun enemies with the Force (but this is unlikely because he used this ability around ysalamiri.) Urai Fen, like many others of his species, was sensitive to the Force, but he was not known to use it.
Silri, the Nightsister who became an ally of the Consortium, often argued with Zann and Fen, so much so that Fen offered to kill her if she became more annoying. This shows how loyal Fen was to Zann, even though they had different personalities and opinions. They were very close and were almost always together. Zann relied on Fen's skills and knowledge, and he knew that his lieutenant was so good with his blades that he was careful not to annoy him. Fen had many interactions with others in the criminal world; at some point, he did something that made the famous IG-88 owe him a favor.
David Anthony Pizzuto, a Star Wars veteran, voiced Fen in Forces of Corruption.
The game manual spells his name incorrectly as "Urai Fenn." But, the official website and the in-game description show that the correct spelling is Urai Fen.