Ground Battle on Kessel

The Ground Battle of Kessel unfolded in 1 BBY, sparked by Urai Fen's orchestration of an uprising on the [prison](/article/prison/legends] planet of Kessel. The aim? To liberate the crime lord Tyber Zann from captivity.


Subsequent to absconding with a [Sith](/article/sith-legends] artifact from Jabba the Hutt and his subsequent apprehension on Felucia, Tyber Zann found himself incarcerated on Kessel. He had dispatched Urai Fen with the artifact ahead of him, planning a later rendezvous that never materialized due to his capture by [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire-legends] forces.

Urai Fen successfully evaded capture and journeyed back to Ryloth, the location of a [Zann Consortium](/article/zann_consortium-legends] base. Fen rallied the Consortium's forces, achieving victory against Imperial troops on Kamino. Post-battle, Fen remained in hiding until Zann was poised for escape. Ultimately, he contracted Han Solo and Chewbacca to facilitate transport to and from the prison via the Millennium Falcon.

Meanwhile, Zann languished in confinement. A [mouse droid](/article/mse-series] owned by Jabba appeared, projecting the Hutt's image to Tyber, who was then subjected to taunts and demands for the artifact's location. Tyber's refusal led to the droid's dismissal, following which he contacted the nearby Urai. Soon after, a bounty hunter dispatched by Jabba attempted to assassinate him, but Urai intervened, saving his life and initiating their escape.

The riot

Tyber was forced to blast through locked doors by targeting the control mechanisms. As he moved through the prison, he battled stormtroopers guarding the facility. He also managed to persuade numerous inmates to join his cause.

Eventually, Tyber faced resistance from two Imperial [dark troopers](/article/dark_trooper-legends]. He capitalized on the situation by rushing to the Falcon while the prisoners engaged the droids.

Upon reaching the Falcon, he found Han and Chewbacca, who had been hired to extract the pair from the planet. Han voiced his displeasure, citing a discrepancy from the initial agreement—Fen had represented it as a spice run—but Tyber incentivized him with additional payment. They departed, leaving the prisoners behind.


The prisoners were most likely either recaptured or killed, given the absence of alternative escape options. Tyber Zann made his way back to Ryloth and commenced plotting his revenge against Jabba, as well as formulating other schemes.

Inspired by Zann's uprising, prisoners within the spice mines of Kessel later staged another revolt following the Battle of Endor.

Behind the scenes

The presence of [dark troopers](/article/dark_trooper-legends] during this conflict, predating the Dark Trooper project's development, could potentially be attributed to them being early prototypes. Alternatively, they might have simply been another form of Imperial combat droid, given that they were not explicitly referred to as dark troopers.

