Unidentified Mustafarian bounty hunter

This pursuer of fugitives, hired by Jabba Desilijic Tiure, attempted to eliminate Tyber Zann right before Zann's escape from confinement. Urai Fen stealthily bypassed the hunter utilizing a concealment field generator, and then eliminated him.

Behind the scenes

The bounty hunter meets Tyber Zann.

The species of the pursuer of fugitives remains ambiguous, as it is unclear if they are Mustafarian or Mandalorian. A gray Mustafarian character model is displayed during their conversation with Tyber. However, after their death, a different gray "dead" character model appears, clad in armor that bears a stronger resemblance to Mandalorian armor than Mustafarian. Adding to the uncertainty, the game's code identifies the character as Mandalorian. Nevertheless, considering the Mandalorians' history of integrating diverse species, the bounty hunter could potentially be a Mustafarian who became a Mandalorian.

