A formidable [Nightsister](/article/nightsisters/legends], Silri was a dark side witch hailing from Dathomir. She aligned herself with Tyber Zann and his criminal organization, the Zann Consortium, after the Battle of Yavin, eager to witness and participate in the devastation Zann intended to unleash. In combat, she wielded dark side abilities, such as Drain Life, alongside a lightwhip, a unique variation of the standard lightsaber. Furthermore, Silri possessed a pet rancor named Cuddles, whom she could summon to the battlefield.

Following the Battle of Yavin, Imperial Stormtroopers captured Silri and numerous other Nightsisters on Dathomir as part of the Imperial Governor's attempt to subjugate them. However, the Nightsisters' spirits remained unbroken, and they rebelled against his threats of execution. Simultaneously, Tyber Zann acquired an enigmatic Sith artifact, later identified as a Sith holocron, from Jabba the Hutt. After exhausting various avenues to decipher the artifact's secrets, he discovered the existence of the Dathomiri Dark Side witches and the Emperor's fear of them, which had led to the planet's interdiction by a fleet of Star Destroyers. In a swift covert strike, Tyber Zann, accompanied by his lieutenant Urai Fen, extracted Silri from Dathomir, granting her freedom in exchange for her promise to unlock the holocron's secrets.

Their alliance was destined to be short-lived. Even before Zann and Urai Fen rescued her and transported her off-world, they harbored suspicions about her. Subsequently, she asserted that she had deciphered the holocron, revealing it to be merely a star map depicting systems charted centuries prior.
When Zann led a fleet to Carida to trade the artifact with an Imperial contact facilitated by Prince Xizor, the holocron Silri was attempting to unlock was seized by the Empire's tactical mastermind, Grand Admiral Thrawn, after Bossk, a bounty hunter ostensibly employed by the Consortium, betrayed his employers. However, this was orchestrated by the cunning Zann, who instructed his fleet not to engage Bossk. Silri expressed her anger at this betrayal, believing the artifact held greater value than mere star charts. Tyber suspected she was withholding information and demanded to know the truth. She admitted that the artifact could lead to something more. Tyber warned her that any future lies or betrayals would result in the annihilation of the Nightsisters and rancors from the galaxy, a standing order that would remain in effect even after his death.
Later, Zann, accompanied by Fen and Silri, launched a raid on Emperor Palpatine's private vault on Coruscant. Zann's primary objective was to acquire the pass key to the Emperor's files, granting access to the locations of the credit-laden Imperial vaults. However, Silri, deviating from the plan, abandoned her duty to guard the transport and absconded with the artifact, battling through three generations of Dark trooper models. Intent on escaping with it herself, she encountered Zann and Urai and was compelled to accompany them. The small group faced numerous Royal Guards and ultimately engaged in combat with a Dark Jedi. Fortunately, Zann possessed a ysalamir, which neutralized the Dark Jedi. A hijacked Juggernaut aided the quartet in their escape.
During their perilous escape from Coruscant, Silri sensed the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader at the Battle of Endor and informed Zann. Deciding it was time to steal the Eclipse, Zann launched a massive assault on Kuat. Silri participated in the boarding party that seized control of the Eclipse. Shortly after the conclusion of the massive battle, Zann's forces emerged victorious.
While they were plundering the Empire's accounts, Silri managed to fully decode the holocron and then vowed to reveal to Tyber Zann the "true meaning of power." Silri followed the clues within the holocron, which led her to an unknown system where the witch discovered what appeared to be the remains of an ancient Sith army, entombed in carbonite.
Silri possessed a highly volatile temperament, frequently resorting to death threats when her desires were not met. She maintained a contentious relationship with the Zann Consortium's second-in-command, Urai Fen, with both often threatening to kill the other. Her relationship with Tyber Zann himself was slightly better, although neither party fully trusted the other.

Silri was a powerful Nightsister, often employing a lightwhip in combat. She also had the ability to summon her rancor companion Cuddles to aid her in battle. Unlike some Nightsisters, she did not ride a rancor mount, instead preferring to travel on foot with Cuddles by her side.
She was also capable of draining the life force from other beings in her vicinity, thereby augmenting her own strength.
Silri's voice was provided by Kari Wahlgren.